The Constant Bond

The twins’ everlasting bond and their complementary roles within their relationship.
Look at Her side of the story on the left and His side of the story on the right.
Some illustrations within this section are inspired by reference photos owned by both participants.

The connected lines are generated from an eye tracking device that recorded their eye movement along the original photos.


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Ridt inmiss l-iljun imma ħija ma ħallinix… ‘so’ ovjament hemm il-‘protection’ ta’ ħija

I wanted to touch the lion but my brother didn’t let me… so obviously I was being protected by my brother


Kont qed nibża’ jien imma kont qed nipprova nipproteġiha fl-istess ħin

I myself was afraid but I was trying to protect her at the same time


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Dejjem flimkien
Always together
Memorja sabiħa. Hemm xi ħadd qed jieħu ħsiebi dejjem
A beautiful memory. There’s always that someone looking after me.


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Naħseb kienet hi li mexxietni
I think she was the one that guided me
Inħares lejn il-passi tagħha ħafna drabi
Most of the time I follow in her footsteps